3 Senior Golf Swing Mistakes You Probably Make
USGolfTV independent review by Minnesota PGA Teacher of the Year
Superstar Nike Engineer set out on a mission…..
The Goal:
Golfers are hitting the Conventional driver all over the map
It's not reliable...
In fact, it's tough to find the short grass 50% of the time.
What if you could combine the easy hitting features of a hybrid.
Gets up in the air fast...
Goes straight...
More Consistent...
With Driver-like Distance...
Wouldn't this be the ultimate club?
A Nike Engineer wanted it hot off the face like a driver-but accurate and forgiving as a hybrid.
For years Hybrids have always been the easiest club to hit in the bag...
...but they just didn't have the distance to replace the driver.
So the big manufacturers kept whipping their engineers in shape to make the driver Bigger....
More Shaft...
Bigger Heads...
Taller Tees...
Anything to make the ball go further each and every year even if by a yard or two....
The reality is, the typical amateur golfer has seen very little overall distance improvements in the last 5 years.
In fact, the conventional driver is getting harder to hit and you're not gaining distance.
The pressure on big manufacturers to hit their numbers is so great.
They are doing anything to make the driver go 3 yards longer.
Golfers are so hungry for more distance, but at what cost?
How much distance are you really gaining?
It seems like distance is the only thing manufacturers are thinking about when they design.
Sure it's easier to physically hit the nail, but doesn't mean it won't blow up your thumb.
Do you want to be able to drive a nail without hitting your thumb?
A sledgehammer isn't the best idea... And maybe an oversized driver isn't either!
Would you give up hitting 50% of the fairways to possibly add 3 more yards to your drive?
It doesn't add up.
In fact-USGA has strict engineering specs that limit distance gains, so the big boys are fighting for 2-3 yards more when you are hitting it all over the course.
The so-called "distance explosion" that has the USGA in a tizzy?
Yeah, that might be happening on tour, but it ain't happening to you.
"Amateur-golfer" distance numbers haven't moved that much in two decades, and many are hitting it shorter than they used to.
Average Joe's are hitting it shorter and shorter.
Distance is down the past four years, according to Arccos research.
Looking at full-year data only, it's down 0.6 yards from 2015-'17.
If you include 2018, distance dropped to 217.1 yards, 3.5 yards less than in 2015.
(Golf Digest - June 20-2018)
So where do we go from here...
Jessica Rose Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine,
We analyzed the angular velocity of the upper torso and pelvis throughout the golf swing and in relation to phases of the golf swing and compared these benchmarks between professional and amateur golfers. We found that professionals demonstrated consistent patterns of the upper torso and pelvic rotational velocities throughout the golf swing.
While professionals maintained upper torso angular velocity during the follow-through, in amateurs, upper torso angular velocity dropped rapidly after impact (Fig. 2). Amateurs appeared to stop their swing abruptly after impact, whereas professionals continued to finish swings, indicating that professionals had more continuous and fluid rotational mechanisms.
Stanford Proves You Can't repeat your swing like a tour pro-- So why are you using the same driver?
What does this Stanford Study mean for you?
It means you don't have the swing speed, swing plane or consistent talent/ability to repeat the same swing motion over and over.
Then why are 99 pct of the amateur golfers trying to copy the pros when it's impossible to model - per the Stanford report?
Pro's vs Joe's
The typical Joe, doesn't have the swing speed or the swing plane to be hitting the same driver as a tour pro.
Pros have smooth swings with a full finish that launches the ball high in the air, so it makes sense to play a lower lofted driver...
The swing speed of a tour pro is almost 109 MPH compared to a typical amateur at 90-92 MPH. Lower clubhead speeds make it harder to get the ball in the air.
Higher Clubhead speed helps you get the ball launched higher for longer carry.
In face, Long Shafted drivers actually slow your swing down and cost you some serious yards off the tee.
And lets not forget the Big head of the conventional driver actually has more face area to miss it on.
All of this adds up to a lot of wild drives that crush your score and make golf a lot harder than it should be.
This is why you don't have the distance you deserve and why you find your swing one and lose it the next.
How can the amateur golfer be consistent with a driver that is built for a pro 110 mph swing speed and perfect swing plane?
3 Death Flaws of the Conventional Driver that makes it almost impossible to hit
Why are you playing a driver that is almost 2 inches longer than Jack?
The greatest player of all time had a shorter driver, but the big manufacturers keep making them longer and longer and longer for the tour pros
Your swing is nothing like a tour pro and…
The conventional driver on the market today is not built for you
Drivers are designed for a tour pro swing and not a typical Amateur and it's proven.
This is one of the reasons you are so wild off the tee.
A go-to club you can finally count on to hit long and deep right down the middle.
Do you have trouble hitting your driver in the fairway consistently? You’d like to find more fairways but you don’t want to sacrifice distance and hit a shorter club off the tee… it’s a tough choice for sure!
What if you could have the accuracy of your favorite hybrid combined with the distance of your driver? Sounds good, right?
How can a club like that exist?
Well, if you go back about 15 years, you might remember a miracle club, the Adams Tight Lies, changed the game by allowing you to hit long, high shots from super tight lies and from the rough with a fairway wood. How about a few decades before that…
Irons were all muscle back designs and not at all forgiving. Along came Karsten Solheim with his Ping heel and toe weighted irons that revolutionized iron play by letting you hit great shots even when you missed the center of the clubface.
Well someone’s done it again.
Long drives don’t help you if you’re having to hit your next shot from the trees, the rough or even the tee again!
That’s why the team of an experienced golf marketer and award-winning designer thought there had to be a better way to engineer a driver.
They threw out the conventional driver design book and decided to start from scratch and use common sense.
A driver goes far BUT a hybrid is easy to hit and goes really straight. Let’s take the best from both clubs.
If they could take the accuracy of a hybrid and the distance of driver you’d agree it would be THE perfect club to hit from the tee.
They figured if they blended the face height of your driver for a big-hitting area with the little bit shorter shaft, a smaller extremely solid and forgiving expanded hybrid-like head, it would be long AND deadly accurate.
You might be saying, “A Hybrid Driver? I’ve never heard of that before.” That’s because the Teton is the first of its kind, brand-new, cutting-edge, super straight, easy to hit and LONG!
For recreational golfers, the Teton just may make conventional drivers obsolete! Who wouldn’t want to use a club off the tee that’s as easy to hit as your favorite hybrid and as long as your driver?
How a Frustrated Superstar Nike Engineer with 12 Golf Digest Hot list awards pulled off the impossible
He Combined The Face Height of a Traditional Driver With the Forgiving, Back-Weighted Oversized Shape of a Hybrid.
The result
Now a Golfer Can Have The Accuracy of a Sniper with Driver Distance.
A club built for the weekend warrior that’s easier and more forgiving off of the tee and just as long as your driver.
Why are your buddies always longer or straighter than you?
A Club “outside of the box”
Finally, someone thought outside the box and combined the easy to hit features of a hybrid with the key ingredient for distance into one club.
As a coach this is huge!
Now my students can take all the iron swing concepts they have mastered and simply repeat them with their driver.
Todd Kolb - USGolfTV independent review by Minnesota PGA Teacher of the Year
Is this the Perfect Club?…
If your struggling off the tee…
This might just replace your driver for good. It’s based off pure science. High launch- Low Spin and Center Strike Consistency--and it just works. Imagine melding together the best features of a driver and hybrid. Love it!
-- Blair Phillip, Former Ping Engineer
He used a traditional hybrid because it's just easier to hit even for the golfer shooting 100 or more
It's easier to hit because the weight is low and you can use an iron swing from a low tee height.
The result...
A golfer that couldn't hit his over-sized Driver takes it out of his bag and shoots the round of his life..
Imagine this.....
What if his brother in law could add 50 yards of distance to his hybrid?
Would he ever touch his conventional big-headed driver again?
Heck NO!
This is exactly the Nike Superstar Engineer designed with the Teton HXD Super Hybrid
You might be asking...
How can I hit this as far as my driver?
Here's the simple answer...
First off....
The Teton has a driver face on it---It's much taller than a hybrid but smaller than a Conventional Driver and super hot.
The Face is deeper than a traditional hybrid which allows for high launch and less spin for the typical amateur swing.
Another Distance bonus is the...
Shorter Shaft -- Which allows you to swing it faster than your current driver.
Every 1 mph faster you can swing it gives you 2.5 yards, and it's proven that longer shafts actually slow down your swing.
And here's the real - Factor
I designed Teton HxD (15 deg) to be the most versatile club possible off the tee, also gave it a deep face and an oversized hybrid shape at address. The large face provides a driver like ball speed at impact. The longer oversized hybrid head shape provides forgiveness for off-center shots. The build length is shorter than a driver or fairway making it much easier for amateur golfers to hit.
I fine-tuned the loft to be stronger than a typical hybrid and combined that with a mid kick shaft to launch the carry the ball deeper down the fairway. This all has resulted in a club that is easy to control off the tee without sacrificing the ability to carry it far and roll out for longer drives than you'd expect.
Teton HxD (15 deg) is designed to be played off the tee. To complement it I also designed a 21 deg to hit off the tee or ground. It's smaller than the original to make it easy to clip off the turf. The added loft gets the ball in the air quick and lands softer than the 15 deg. Combined, these two clubs stand a good chance at replacing all of the metal woods in your bag.
Joshua Boggs
Principal Designer
Former Nike Golf Engineer
Rally Studios
Center Contact = Distance
It's responsible for the long balls more than anything.
A ball hit in the dead center of the face with a 95 mph swing speed will fly 21 yards longer than an off-center hit.
It's hard to miss the center of a Teton...
Which means built-in center contact on almost every swing.
3 Ball Challenge...
Tee up 3 Balls.
Hit the Teton with driver-like distance and 2x the accuracy of your current driver.
Try the Teton HXD for 60 days -- Play several rounds with it or take it to the range, but it's yours to take for a test drive.
That's right....
Sounds too good to be true, right?
Imagine stepping up to the tee knowing you can stripe the ball down the middle.
No more swinging up on the ball with a super tall tee.
That's I’m inviting you to order Teton HxD designed by a Golf Digest Hotlist winner, take it for a spin over the next 60 days, and return it for a full refund if you’re not utterly and completely satisfied.
Order your Teton HxD Hybrid Driver right now and hit it to your heart’s content for the next 60 days.
Use it on the course, the range. And don’t worry about scuffing it up.
If you don’t see IMMEDIATE and DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT off the tee.
If you're not INSTANTLY able to find the fairway with consistent distance and accuracy. Then I’ll refund you No questions asked.
Watch the buddies look on you face the first time you stripe it down the middle as you are helping them look for their ball.
Imagine a club you can finally count on round after round.
Picture this—you're on a tight hole. There is hardly any fairway and you have to hit it to win the match.
Everyone thins your dead, but you take it back and stripe it right down the middle for the win.
What will your buddies think when you become a fairway machine overnight?
Never rely on a driver that has not worked in the past.
If you're not 100%, over-the-moon thrilled with your new Teton HxD–- for any reason (or none at all)...
Simply send it back and we'll refund every penny (less shipping and handling).
Shaft Flex Type - Average Clubhead Speed - Average Driving Distance